
Bees pollinate the flowers, families harvest the honey and live in harmony with the forest.

We are actively engaged in "Meliponiculture," characterized by caring for native Brazilian bees belonging to the families of Meliponids and Trigonids.

The significant advantage of these bees is that they lack a stinger. Therefore, they do not sting, allowing hives to be placed around houses, and honey can be harvested without special protection. All family members, from grandparents to small children, can participate in this activity.

There are approximately 350 species of native bees in Brazil, most of which live in the Amazon Rainforest. The social life of most of them is still poorly understood. Currently, we support projects related to 25 bee species from 10 regions of Brazil.

Our contribution involves providing hives, offering training courses, and supporting product marketing.

By enabling the sustainable use of natural resources, increased forest protection, and financial support for families, this program contributes to sustainable development and provides a long-term perspective.

By enabling the sustainable use of natural resources, increased forest protection, and financial support for families, this program contributes to sustainable development and provides a long-term perspective.

Alvéoles et abeillesSensibilisation des plus jeunes à l'apicultureDéplacement de ruche par voie fluvialeRuches