The NORDESTA Reforestation and Education association was founded in Geneva on May 15 1985. Its aim is to preserve tropical forests and improve the lives of their isolated populations. Our two areas of activity are environment and education.

Nos objectifs

Our Goals

  • Saving primeval forests and planting native trees to reforest damaged areas.
  • Plant forest corridors to link isolated forest fragments.
  • Set up tree nurseries to produce trees and create local jobs.
  • Ensuring access to water for all by protecting springs and installing cisterns and rainwater collectors.
  • Raising awareness among local people of the importance of tropical forests for water, soil, biodiversity and the climate.
  • Organising seminars and workshops on ecology for local teachers to enable them to act as multipliers.
  • Work to preserve biodiversity in the classroom and in the field.
  • Promote the installation of solar panels for schools and environmental centres.
  • Encourage research into all available renewable energies.
  • Help farming communities fight forest fires and find new ways to help them survive in harmony with the forest.
  • Developing the breeding of indigenous bees called "melipona" to ensure pollination and the preservation of the forests.

NORDESTA BRASIL was created in Quebrangulo, Alagoas, Brazil, to continue the long-term projects of Nordesta.

Dr. Anita Studer

Since 1980, it has been actively involved in preserving a forest in north-east Brazil. This forest represented the last survival of the Atlantic forest that once stretched 6,000 km along the Brazilian coast. In 1989, the Pedra Talhada Biological Reserve was created by the Brazilian government. For several years, Dr. Anita Studer and the Nordesta Association were partners in the management of the reserve with ICMBio, the Instituto Chico Mendes da Biodiversidade.